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Monday, June 16, 2008

Thomas and Jenna

Last Saturday we photographed a great wedding in Kearney. Jenna is the television host for Fox 4 & 17 and Thomas is so fun and outgoing. Neither one shy away from the camera which is a photographers dream. These two were so much fun and had so many ideas they wanted try, as you can see from the last shot.

Both Tom and Jenna wanted to get some pictures at the same pier where their favorite engagement pic was from. When we arrived at the park it turned out they were having the park's annual celebration, complete with bands and a couple moon bounce things. It didn't take Tom long to convince Jenna that it would be a lot of fun to get in and bounce around. I have to say thanks to all the kids who let us cut in front of them, only one of them was a little upset :)


Alex Rodriguez said...

Great shots, love the first one. Hope you guys are doing well.


Anonymous said...

Cool a moonbounce!