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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Shane!!!

Shane's Birthday was yesterday and here's a pictures Shane trying to blow out the many candles on his cake :) He likes to call his age twenty-twelve, I am a few candles short, but my fear of burning down the house kind of made me stop at 24. For his birthday wish he just wanted to stay home and relax, so we grilled huge New York Strips, rented a movie and finished the night with a frozen yogurt ice cream cake and coffee from his new Bunn coffee maker!


kennykimdotcom said...

Dude that cake looks like it is about to melt b/c of all the heat from the candles!

Good times. Happy birthday uncle shane!

Anonymous said...

yea dude- way to rock the cake!

happy birthday! Oh...and I'm about to put a gel on my sony video light....we'll see how that goes-

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, looks like the cake is gettin' a little crowded :)

Ray Santana said...

Happy-bday bro...Whats up with the 5 candles that aren't lit well jk.goodtimes bro may you have a 100 more......

Marie Moyers said...

Hey.... Happy Birthday! Maybe next year less candles.... one big one.... or bigger cake!? ROFL

Rodolfo Arpia said...

Better late than never... Happy Birthday!