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Monday, June 2, 2008

One Last Tornado Picture

Ok, so we were done posting on the Tornado until we were sent this picture taken from someone driving by kearney on the interstate when we were hit by....I still can't believe the number....7 tornadoes in one night! Looking at this picture, I guess it's more believable. I'm guessing this is what we took a picture of out of our earlier blog out or south-facing window.


Shyla said...

I wanna see cows flying! :)

Andrew said...

Those images are powerful! Glad you two are okay. Thanks for sharing the photos- we do take nature for granite sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Impressive force of nature!

Lisa Wood Photography said...

OOOHH I am so jealous. It is my dream to be standing right in front of the camera witha nicely formed tornado in the background. Ps. I love your bowling post. Yall look like a fantastic group to hang out with.

Marie Moyers said...

So glad that you both are ok. God has all authority !