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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Tornadoes in Kearney

Update #3: Here's some pictures of local damage...

Update #2: Here is a picture we took last night as the storm clouds moved in. I've always been told to watch the sky and if it turns green, head for shelter. I have to say, I have never seen the sky turn this color before.

This image was taken just a few moments later. The sky was no longer green and this is what we saw rolling down and toward us through our south facing windows.

Update: the storm is over and all is well at our place. Driving through town there are roofs missing and on one road, there were cars stacked ontop of one another. The amazing thing is that the last news reports said their are no casualties as of yet. We are so thankful for God's protection during this time.
End update_______________

Thank you to those of you who are praying for us and our friends in neighboring cities this evening. We had multiple tornadoes touch down in Kearney and two that were only a couple blocks north and south of our home. Phone lines are currently in and out and the power is down. I am not sure of the most recent update, but here's what I have so far...

"A civil emergency has been issued in Kearney after a storm carrying several tornadoes rolled through the city.

There are reports of downed trees and power lines, as well as a train derailment just outside of town. There's also reports of damage on the University of Nebraska at Kearney campus."

For the few moments that we had a small weather break, we stepped out to see that their are lots of trees and phone poles down as well as roofs to buildings. Again, thank you for those of you who are praying, I know it's not over yet for us and for neighboring cities throughout Nebraska. Shane is on a disaster committee for the city and has been called out, I'll post more when I get an update.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Kenny told me about this last night, so glad you guys are okay! Amazing photos!

Anonymous said...

Had to check in with you guys to make sure you made it through. Thank goodness for small miracles amongst such distruction.
adam and holly peterman

Lisa Wood Photography said...

Holy Moley.....Amazing sky photo.
Yeah I just want that pic and then get the heck back to Georgia. LOL

I hope everyone you know is doing good.