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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What did we do on a Monday night?

Last night our friends Nate and Danielle called and asked if we'd like to do something different and go bowling. We had not been bowling since...well, I'm not sure. But, we all thought it sounded like something fun and retro so we went and had a blast! None of us scored over a 130 the whole night and a couple of us scored in the 70's a few times, but it was fun anyway.

Some more fun shots of the night. I had to take a picture of this top right one. Socks in a vending machine? That's a first. Fortunately we all had our own socks :)

Erin decided to do some fun experimental post-processing with these pictures of me. I like them.


Erin Harvey said...

LOVE the textures! Great work Erin. The socks in a vending machine... so funny, but I'm sure they wouldn't have it there if it didn't get used by a lot of people. =)

Anonymous said...

As Kenny & uncle Ray would say, Good Times ;)

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Looks like too much fun!

Anonymous said...

hey man...just catching up on the blog....oh the memories. You know, Ogallala does have a bowling alley!!! Let me tell you about retro