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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Seth & Krystal

Krystal found us from one of our favorite wedding magazines, Grace Ormonde Wedding Style. With Krystal currently living in Denver as a teacher and Seth in LA as an orthopedic surgeon our first meeting was at their rehearsal.

We knew from talking with Krystal on the phone that we were going to enjoy our time working with them. What we didn't expect was how great Krystal, Seth and their families would be. We want the couples we work with to feel as comfortable as possible with us, in this case they made us feel as if we were part of the family. Seth's family even took us out to breakfast the morning after the wedding and we had a great time talking and laughing.


Anonymous said...

Aloha from Hawii. The pctures are wonderful. I called everyone back home and even at one in the morning they all agree that we loved the photographers; as much as, the photos. It was such a wonderful experience working with you both. Even for a girl who never feels comfortable with anyone take my picture. (Sorry for any earaches due to all the giggles from myself and the bridesmaids. lol) Hope to talk to you soon. Thanks again, Krystal and Seth

Anonymous said...

Aloha from Hawii. The pctures are wonderful. I called everyone back home and even at one in the morning they all agree that we loved the photographers; as much as, the photos. It was such a wonderful experience working with you both. Even for a girl who never feels comfortable with anyone take my picture. (Sorry for any earaches due to all the giggles from myself and the bridesmaids. lol) Hope to talk to you soon. Thanks again, Krystal and Seth