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Monday, January 7, 2008

Does screen size matter?

Months ago, Shane and I invested in a Dell Ultra Sharp 30" monitor. At first, I was a little hesitant. I kind of wondered if seeing all the pictures that big on screen would be too big for accuracy and speed. I cannot imagine going back to my previous 17" monitors. Not only can I space out multiple windows on the same screen out, but when I am choosing files, I can clearly see if the image is blurry without having to zoom in, saving time and allowing us to provide our clients with even more quality and consistency. Our advice to other visual professionals...Go Big. If you invest in quality, you won't regret it.


Anonymous said...

Erin, I didn't need to see that! lol
Time to tell the boss we need to go shopping......


Erin Melenbacker said...

Think he'll give you the Visa for a day? I hear he's livin' it up in Florida... :)

It really has made a world of difference for us.