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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy 5th Nebraska Wedding Day!

Courtney, publisher of Nebraska Wedding Day put on a great party last night to celebrate their 5th year in circulation! I can't remember all the stats Courtney shared with us last night, but this magazine has grown by leaps and bounds. I have no doubt that it's due to all their dedication to their readers and vendors.Nathan, of Attitude on Food, did a great job preparing all our appetizers for the night. We enjoyed the martini salad bar :)
Our sales rep and friend Amanda seemed to be in three places at once all night. It seemed like every time we turned around, there she was working, talking, making sure everyone was taken care of. After the party, we went and hung out at her house. We planned to watch The Office, but Shane crashed on the couch as we stayed up and chatted :)
But...before we took off to Amanda's we enjoyed hangin' out with these guys. Left to right, Andrea, Geoff, Lane, Corey, Megan and Sarah. All photographer's. As you can see, everyone else has left by now. Shane and I laughed about it later, you can definitely tell that photographers are used to staying at a party until the final song is played. Ashley, Sarah and Megan...
And we're off to another place...


sarahpfeiffer said...

Thanks for posting this...we had a great time with all of you guys! Let's do it again. Yeay for NE Wedding Day!

Unknown said...

Saw you on Mike Colons blog. Great work here