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Friday, February 22, 2008

Master Your Craft

Today was the Chicago Master Your Craft workshop and it was a full house with 110 registered. Everyone there was really into it and asking a lot of great questions. This workshop has some great information for photographers who are just starting out and those that have been doing it for a while. There are only three stops left on the nine city tour, Dallas, LA and San Fransisco, so sign up quick. Mike flies out tomorrow morning and then Kenny and I are getting together with some other photographers for the day. Hopefully I'll post more tomorrow but just in case I don't, I heard one of the surprises may be revealed soon :)
Bob sharing his knowledge
Theses guys were awesome, they arrived a 6:30 to help the Graphi Studio ladies set up and they stayed until the end to help tear down. After it was all said and done, Mark, David, Alex and Kenny (not Kenny Kim) went with us get some food along with Martin (pictured below) who is the Aperture Product Marketing Manager for Apple.
Chris and I with Kenny Kim and his new shirts


Anonymous said...


Told you I'd find your blog man.
It was great hanging out with you for dinner and meeting you!

Hopefully I can run into you again sometime!

PS: get a facebook ;)

David Lai

Anonymous said...

Hey Shane,

It was nice meeting you and safe travels!

Joseph Kang

Anonymous said...

hey shane!

it was nice meeting you. i finally found your blog, haha. dude, we all had a blast that day. i know we will cross paths once again in the near future. i hope all is going well. goodluck with the great season coming up.

take care man.

p.s......GET FACEBOOK!! haha