On Saturday,
Kenny and I went to downtown Chicago for a little photo field trip. We had planned on walking around a little bit and then hitting up the Museum of Art but ended up spending all our time in
Millennium park. After four hours it was getting pretty cold out so we headed out to the best Chinese food place I have eaten at called Great Seas. It was a great weekend and I had a blast hanging out with everyone, a few who Erin and I will see again in a couple weeks at
WPPI. As much fun as it was, It's great to be back home with Erin.
I think I'm going to start a project called reflections :)

Shane - if you haven't already done it, take the water archtecture tour the next time you're in Chicago. We got some AMAZING shots as amatures - I'd love to see your and Erin's professional take.
Holly Puetz
hey Shane-
Great pics...even the ones you left out. =)
It was great meeting you and I just finished checking out your website- inspiring!
Thanks for a great time...and I'll let you know when I post pics as well.
Kenny Nakai
Good times, good times! :) Yes, I agree with Kenny, I would like to see some of the other photos that didn't make it on this list.
I have not taken the water architecture tour. I would like to see that, maybe next time?
All I can say to the trouble-making team of Kenny's is...shame. :)
Hey Shane...
I posted some pics of you.
take care...and nice pics of the newsboys!
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