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Welcome! Here's where we post most everything... from weddings and engagement sessions, to our personal vacations and thoughts. This blog is a great way to follow us and keep in touch. Our hope is that you are encouraged and inspired, along with giving you ideas.

402.440.4937 or 308.234.4556 ~

Saturday, September 15, 2007


It's about 12:30am and we just got to our final destination of the night. We just finished a 17 hour wedding day and are now settling into our hotel room for a big day tomorrow and Monday at the Professional Photographer's of Nebraska Conference. We are excited, but I would be lying if I didn't admit that for now my excitement is a bit subdued due to lack of sleep. The topic of leadership has been heavily on both our hearts lately. A friend of ours recently told us that, "Everyone is a leader to those around him, it doesn't matter who you are or what you do for a living." With this perspective, we have started to think about the importance of living a life with purpose and passion. Something we are hoping to gain out of the workshops and seminars we have been investing our time in lately is really just to continuously grasp what it means to be a leader and interchangeably, a servant.

Well that's my thoughts for the night, good night everyone. I'm going to bed.


kennykimdotcom said...

Where did you guys go for destination wedding?

Erin Melenbacker said...

It was still in Nebraska, just a ways from home. The wedding coverage being 17 hours, made for a longer day than expected, but it was still a lot of fun:)