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Welcome! Here's where we post most everything... from weddings and engagement sessions, to our personal vacations and thoughts. This blog is a great way to follow us and keep in touch. Our hope is that you are encouraged and inspired, along with giving you ideas.

402.440.4937 or 308.234.4556 ~

Sunday, September 9, 2007

New Website!!!

It's finally here and ready to view by everyone. The web address is the same as the old one, you can view it at Let us know what you think of it, you can leave a comment below or email us (comments are cooler, everyone gets to see them). Oh, by the way, if our old splash page comes up you may need to delete your cookies. Happy viewing:)


Joe R. said...

WOW! The new website is kick guys just keep improving and impressing!

Alex Rodriguez said...

Looks great Shane, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Sweet new website. It's great to see that you are constantly striving to update! This really shows how committed you are to your art. I look forward to seeing more of your pictures!!!

Tracy A said...
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Tracy A said...

I love the new website! You continue to impress. Also, it was very exciting to see our date marked off :)

Erin Melenbacker said...

Thanks guys! We were really excited for it's release. Keeping it quiet until it went live was hard. (I might have squeaked a few times) We are excited about the calendar too, I'm still getting the hang of it though.