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Friday, May 30, 2008

Joe and Kari's Wedding

Last Saturday was Joe and Kari's wedding and we had a great time with them on their wedding day. Joe and Kari booked us a while ago while they were living near Lincoln and it just so happens they have moved really close to us. Well, Kari is in the process of moving now but since Joe has been here we've been able to get some coffee and hang out a little. These two have so much fun together they are a blast to be around and we look forward to doing that more in the future.

They each wrote letters that were delivered along with a gift when they were getting ready by the maid of honor and best man.

Here's some fun group shots of Kari and the girls outside the reception.


Anonymous said...

I like the shot of the girls with the sunglasses on!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Can't wait to see the rest of the pics!