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Welcome! Here's where we post most everything... from weddings and engagement sessions, to our personal vacations and thoughts. This blog is a great way to follow us and keep in touch. Our hope is that you are encouraged and inspired, along with giving you ideas.

402.440.4937 or 308.234.4556 ~

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Welcome to the new blog (Surprise #1)! It's been in the making and now finally finished. A big thanks to Rudy who created the blog we were envisioning. Rudy, you did an awesome job and we loved working with you. For our friends out there, leave us a comment and let us know what you think :)

Below we have linked a fun slideshow of Shane's adventures with Mike, Bob, Kenny and Kenny while in Chicago.


Alex Rodriguez said...

Looks awesome guys, congratulations! Looks like Chicago was fun. lol

Kerri said...

Yep, it's White. And must have some of that Flash stuff! Pretty.

Anonymous said...

Wow--What a great new blog guys continue to grow and impress...I am so glad you are our wedding photographers!

kennykimdotcom said...

Sweet dude. I am going to give you a shout out on my blog about this. This is great. Slideshow looks awesome too. I hope you don't mind me posting it. :)

Shane Melenbacker said...

Thanks for all the comments so far, it means a lot to us. And Kenny, post it all you want, we love shout outs :)

Anonymous said...

dude, SHANE!!! I'm so jealous that kenny nakai got to hang out with you guys the day after the workshop! haha that's awesome! We made it into your slideshow too! SWIZEET! you still need to get facebook though. There are so many untagged pictures of you. let us know when you get it. Take care and God bless.

Rodolfo Arpia said...

Hey guys!
Had a lot of fun building your blog!

Anonymous said...

Shane & Erin,

Your new blog looks amazing! I love how it showcases your photographs at the top of the page. You guys do great work!

Tasia Johnson

sarahpfeiffer said...

Hi guys! The blog loooks great. You are now professional bloggers, congratulations! See you in March!

Photography by Lara said...

Love the new blog!! You guys did a great job. Looks like the trip was amazing too. :)

I love your photography; I wish I could have you guys for my wedding! Right now I'm trying to figure out how I can photograph it AND be the bride at the same time. :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice blog - I had no idea blogger could look so cool. Great presentation.
