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Friday, July 25, 2008

Kansas City

OK, so I have a lot of catching up to do. Erin and I were in Kansas City this last weekend for an engagement shoot with Laine and Shane which will be posted in another day or so. We also met with Ellyn Bold who is an amazing event designer in KC. Check out her website to view some of the great events she has done. We had a really nice Sunday brunch at The Grand St Cafe by the Plaza. I would recommend it to anyone who is going to be in that area. These photographs are just Erin and I goofing around on the last day. We stayed an extra day to relax which was worth it. Right now Kenny is in town and it's been a lot of fun as usual along with some really late nights already... It's now 2:45 am. I better get to bed.



The shot below is from the roof of Baja 600 on the Plaza.



Soon I'll also be posting some of the fun Erin, Kenny, Geoff, Julie and I have been having over the last couple days.

1 comment:

Kansas City wedding photography said...

Very nice engagement shoot in Kansas city. Thanks for telling this.