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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Yesterday was packed full of fun for Erin and I. We spent the day out and about exploring around Vegas and then in the evening we first met up with Bob and Dawn Davis and Kenny for dinner. They start the Vegas Love Story today and from the sounds of it are going to have a great time. Afterwards we got together with Mike, Ray and Anna and finally went to bed around 3:30 am (when the girls got really sleepy). I have to admit, they are still on Central and Eastern time, so it was 5:30 our time and 6:30 for Ray and Anna.

World's Tallest Chocolate Fountain

Bob sporting his Vegas Love Story shirt

After dinner with Kenny, Bob and Dawn.

Try 1, 2 and 3. None of them came out the way wanted :)

Ray and Anna

1 comment:

Shyla said...

ok, this sucks! How did we manage to NOT hang out at all the entire 3 days?!
