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Monday, October 8, 2007

Downtown DC

(after 6 years, Erin still can't keep her lips off me :)

Yesterday Erin and I spent almost all day downtown WALKING, WALKING and WALKING. After moving from DC almost 10 years ago I had forgotten the distance between everything. Everything was worth it though because we took some fun shots and it was nice to show Erin some of the places I used to hang out.

Never got pictures like this when I lived here.
the "distinguished duck" (Erin named him)
The Korean War Memorial (we took this for Erin's Grandfather)

The Lincoln Memorial...
Erin loves pictures of others, but not really of her...I like this one.


kennykimdotcom said...

awesome guys. I love DC. Looking forward to going back there in Nov!

Brittany Leigh said...

looks like sooo much fun! bet it was great to be back in your old stomping grounds! :) how are you guys!?