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Monday, May 19, 2008

Wedding in Chicago: Number 2

Just wanted to post some more pics of when I was in Chicago. During the Saturday wedding Bob was messing around with a lighting idea that turned out really cool. This is not the shot but it was used to tweak the lighting to get it just right, we just decided to have a little fun. Trust me, it looks a lot better with Brian and Annabelle in it. We were also able to take a photo of all of us with them which was really nice. That was a great wedding and I think all of us learned a lot about lighting from Bob.

Me, Bob, Priscilla, Kenny, Brian and Annabelle

Also thought we'd post a few from the wedding we shot on Suday. These guys were a lot of fun as you can see from the last shot.


Anonymous said...

wow shane...that shot through the blinds is pretty awesome!

kennykimdotcom said...

Dodge Durango & Dudley Do right

Good times shane. There's more places to eat around that I discovered. Next time bring Erin out too.

Erin Harvey said...

Yea, I am diggin the shot thru the blinds and the ring shot is awesome!

Alex Rodriguez said...

Nice shots, the through the blinds shot is great and the one with Bob and the wine is sweet!