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Friday, May 9, 2008

In Chicago for Weddings

Today Kenny and I met up with Steve Goldhaber at the Billy Goat Tavern in downtown Chicago. Most Cubs fans will know about the curse of the Billy Goat. So far Chicago has some of my favorite places to eat and all of them are little hole in the wall places with great food, just not healthy. I have promised Erin that I won't die of a heart attack because of all this :)

Billy Goat Tavern

Billy Goat Cup and Hat




Erin Melenbacker said...

Looks like you guys are having lots of fun! Love you!

kennykimdotcom said...

I think I still have the grease left over in my system from this weekend. Whew...until next time!

Shane Melenbacker said...

Hey Kenny, I agree 100%! But like I said on my FaceBook: Four days of Chicago style food, Dunkin Donuts Coffee, shooting weddings and great friendship, what a great weekend. Thanks for all the fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, another place I gotta check out too!

M. Micheli said...

Very nice :)