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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Chase and Abby - A Kansas Wedding

This last weekend we were in Kansas for Chase and Abby's wedding. First of all, they put us up in a great little Bed and Breakfast that was really comfortable. Second of all, everyone treated us like we were part of the family. We had a great time with everyone. On a side note to all the KU fans at their wedding (and there were a lot of them) congratulations on the National Championship.

We all know that a bride's wedding dress is one of the most important parts of the day and because of that we try and spend a little time getting pictures they will always have to remember it by. Here are a few of them...

This little guy had custom Chucks made just for the wedding. I was a little jealous :)


Alex Rodriguez said...

I always like to pick one but this time you stumped me. They are all awesome, great work! Do I see some video light? :)

sarahpfeiffer said...

Yeay Shane and Erin! Love the ring shot and love the off camera flash...or video light. Either way, it's GREAT! You're keeping me on my toes!

Kevin Meyers said...

Hey guys! That was awesome meeting you in Vegas. We'll hang out again soon...perhaps at a Joe B. workshop. There is one in May and one in October. I'll email more details to the whole group soon.

Kevin Meyers said...

Forgot to tell you...that second dress shot is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Custom Chuck Taylors, awesome! Cool lighting in your images, love em all.

Shane Melenbacker said...

Thanks guys for all the photo props! Actually, there was no additional lighting used other than the available. These pictures were taken in a dark hallway with the only light coming from the room with the open door.

David Burke said...

Hey Shane! Awesome work over here!!! Thank you for the prayers for our Brayden. He needs em. Hope you both are doing super!


Ray Santana said...

Sweeeeet. goodtimes......