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Welcome! Here's where we post most everything... from weddings and engagement sessions, to our personal vacations and thoughts. This blog is a great way to follow us and keep in touch. Our hope is that you are encouraged and inspired, along with giving you ideas.

402.440.4937 or 308.234.4556 ~

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

New Website!

The debut of our new website is finally here! We had this website customized for us by the amazing team at Big Folio and we're just thrilled with the results. To anyone considering having a customized site made or who is wanting to have a new fresh look for their business, we would highly recommend these guys. Every special change and design detail we asked for, they made happen. They are awesome to work with and their customer service is excellent.

Let us know what you think!

A picture of our new friends Kevin, who also has a Big Folio site, and Mike Caston from Big Folio helping some future clients. As a side...check out the shirts, Mike gave us a couple of these shirts and we're loving them. The design is sweet! (photo from BigFolio)

Also, here's a picture of us with our blog designer Rudy Arpia. We caught up with him at WPPI and his friends from his forum, We had a great time at their party and really enjoyed meeting everyone!


Ray Santana said...

Dude your site Rocks!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It was great meeting you in Vegas guys! Thanks for making it to the party!

Anonymous said...

Oh it's awesome guys... nice, clean, and "ormonde'ish" :) Big Folio rocks!

Anonymous said...

The new site looks fantastic! But I wouldn't expect anything less from you guys. Keep rockin'!