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Welcome! Here's where we post most everything... from weddings and engagement sessions, to our personal vacations and thoughts. This blog is a great way to follow us and keep in touch. Our hope is that you are encouraged and inspired, along with giving you ideas.

402.440.4937 or 308.234.4556 ~

Monday, June 4, 2007

The Big Brother

Our 17-inch Mac Book Pro just got his big brother! The Mac Pro.
We back up our clients information off-site with Pictage (who backs up our information 4x's in different places) and on-location to DVD's and hard drives. Well, the other day, one of our hard drives were running so slow, our computers weren't even reading it. It was full and we were out of storage. So...we bought the new Mac Pro (nothing but the best for our clients)! It holds up to 3 terrabites of information (that's 3000 gigs) and can be set up like a raid system making our clients pictures even safe than they were before. We are so exited to be able to offer this added security for our clients!

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