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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

One Day at a Time

I don't know how many of you may struggle with this, but I have a tendancy if I'm not careful, to let myself get overloaded thinking of the future and all the things that have to be done over the next month or year. Part of it is due to the fact that as a wedding photographer we book some weddings and events over 1 1/2 years in advance. It's obvious that planning in advance is important to us. However, taking the tasks of a year or lifetime upon our shoulders in one day is not what we were meant to do. I thought I'd share what one of my friends said about this subject with you. He said that God doesn't ask us to accomplish everything in one day, instead he asks us to commit each day, one day at a time. Isn't it nice to hear that we don't have to hold everything in our hands? In the midst of a busy schedule and a life where time already seems to pass too quickly, we can settle our hearts on today...and I can handle that.

Here's my inspiration verses for today:

Matt. 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself."

Matt. 6:27 "Who of you by worrying can add one day to his life?"


Erin Melenbacker said...
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Shane Melenbacker said...

I have such a wonderful wife, I am truly blessed.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE those bible verses...ones that my wife and I frequently refer to. Sometimes we get too caught up in life to appreciate the present. Thanks for the reminder Erin. You and Shane are a blessing to my wife and I also. Talk to ya later!